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Migrating React App to Next.js


As the landscape of web development continues to evolve, so do the tools and frameworks at our disposal. A transition that has gained significant attention is migrating from Create React App (CRA) to Next.js. Next.js, a powerful React framework, offers an array of features that can amplify your application’s performance, SEO capabilities, and developer experience. Drawing insights from the official Next.js tutorial and a real-world case study, this blog post provides a comprehensive guide to migrating your CRA project to Next.js.

Why Transition from CRA to Next.js?

  1. Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG): One of the core strengths of Next.js is its innate support for server-side rendering and static site generation. This facilitates faster page loads, bolsters SEO, and elevates user experience by displaying content before JavaScript execution on the client-side.

  2. Enhanced Performance: Next.js optimizes performance by automatically splitting code and assets, paving the way for leaner initial page loads. With optimized server rendering, your application’s performance can witness a substantial boost, especially on slower networks or less powerful devices.

  3. SEO Excellence: Search engine optimization is paramount for your application’s discoverability. Next.js incorporates server-side rendering, allowing search engines to seamlessly crawl and index your pages, potentially leading to improved search engine rankings.

  4. Developer Experience Uplift: Next.js simplifies development through automatic code splitting, hot module reloading, and a file-based routing system. These features can accelerate development pace and streamline maintenance tasks.

  5. Dynamic Imports and Prefetching: Leveraging dynamic imports, Next.js diminishes initial load times by loading components only when they are required. Additionally, it features built-in prefetching to enrich navigation speed.

The Migrating Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Establishing a New Next.js Project

  1. Initiate a fresh Next.js project via the official command-line tool or the boilerplate repository.
npx create-next-app@latest my-nextjs-app

Step 2: Code Migration

  1. Migrate your React components, styles, and assets from your existing CRA project to the corresponding directories within the newly created Next.js project.

Step 3: Handling Routes

  1. Transition to Next.js’s file-based routing system. Move your route-centric components to the pages directory. For example, src/pages/index.js becomes the route /, and src/pages/about.js turns into /about.

Step 4: Data Fetching

  1. For components requiring data fetching, leverage Next.js’s built-in getServerSideProps or getStaticProps functions. These functions enable server-side rendering or static site generation as needed.

Step 5: Styling and Assets

  1. Employ Next.js’s support for various CSS modules and CSS-in-JS libraries. Adjust your styling approach accordingly. Migrate assets and images to the public directory.

Step 6: Testing

  1. Adapt your testing setup to align with Next.js’s conventions. Consider utilizing tools like Jest and Testing Library to validate components and pages.

Step 7: Deployment

  1. Opt for a hosting platform compatible with Next.js, such as Vercel, Netlify, or AWS Amplify. Configure deployment settings and proceed to deploy your application.

Step 8: SEO Enhancement

  1. Harness Next.js’s intrinsic features for SEO refinement, like next/head for integrating meta tags and next/link for seamless internal navigation.

Real-World Inspiration: Migrating an Open Source React App to Next.js

Taking cues from a successful case study, such as the migration of a large open-source React application to Next.js and Vercel, can offer invaluable insights. This real-world experience underscores the tangible benefits of migration, including enhanced performance and better user experience. Refer to the case study for an in-depth understanding of tackling challenges and optimizing the migration process.


The journey from Create React App to Next.js signifies a strategic move towards amplified performance, SEO excellence, and a more intuitive developer experience. This comprehensive guide, synthesized from the official Next.js tutorial and a real-world case study, equips you with the roadmap to facilitate a seamless migration. Bear in mind that each project bears its unique characteristics, so tailor the transition process to your application’s distinct requirements. Embracing Next.js ushers in a new era of swifter, more accessible, and SEO-friendly web applications.

Published Aug 5, 2023

Personal blog. I share frontend development technique and life.